
Reflecting on My Software Architecture Project

I embarked on developing an E-commerce application encompassing both an admin dashboard and a customer site, leveraging a stack composed of MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) alongside AWS services, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Technologies Used Backend (Node.js) Express.js : Utilized for creating robust APIs and handling server-side routing. AWS SDK : Integrated for seamless interaction with AWS services, particularly S3 for image storage. MongoDB and Mongoose : Employed for establishing database schemas, managing data, and facilitating interactions with MongoDB, a NoSQL database solution. Frontend (React.js) React Router DOM : Implemented for managing client-side routing within the React application. Redux.js : Utilized for centralized state management, enhancing scalability and maintainability. Material-UI (MUI) : Chosen for its rich set of pre-built UI components, facilitating efficient and responsive UI design. FontAwesome and Google Fonts : Integrated to enhance the visu

Software Architecture Project

  Title of Project: Developing an E-commerce Application using 3-tier Architecture. Project Scope: Utilizing the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js Employing a 3-tier architecture: UI, Logic, Data Deployment on AWS cloud services Personal Goals: Implementing a clear separation of concerns through the 3-tier architecture Leveraging AWS EC2 and AWS API Gateway for APIs Deploying a MongoDB cluster on AWS for scalability and reliability Timeline: Milestone 1 :  Setting up the project structure, database schema, and basic CRUD operations. Milestone 2 :  Developing the UI for both admin and customer interfaces. Implementing core functionalities such as user authentication, product listing, and cart management. Milestone 3 :  Enhancing the UI using UI frameworks. Fine-tuning functionalities, ensuring scalability, and handling edge cases. Expectations: Gain expertise in micro-services architecture and document the learning process. Implement efficient methods for searching and sortin

My thoughts on AI

In this article, I am presenting my views on how AI should be used and all the facts that I believe. Feel free to leave a comment if you find any inappropriate statements or if there are other perspectives I might have missed.  I believe AI is simply a tool that can help people work faster, and it should not be used to replace human jobs. In other words, AI can be utilized to complete repetitive tasks efficiently.  What about generative AI? Yes, it's a useful tool for gaining a high-level understanding of a topic. However, for in-depth exploration, experimentation and reading documentation likely provide more comprehensive information. GPT models also rely on web information, filtered based on various factors such as the provided prompt or common findings on the web. If we compile a list of tasks AI assistants cannot perform—making friends, providing ethical perspectives, generating creative content, performing a Coldplay concert, or telling original jokes without internet searches

Hello World !!

Hello World My name is Kapish Patel, and this would probably be my third blog. Previously, I started a couple of blogs where I used to share code with detailed concepts from my high school and undergraduate studies. However, I was forced to delete those blogs because people were simply copying and pasting those code samples for their assignments. Now, I believe professors are smart enough to catch them using plagiarism detection tools. On this blog, I will be sharing what I learn and how it affects my life. I can't promise a new story every week, but I am considering documenting my journey with a new story regularly. Thank you.