Software Architecture Project
Title of Project: Developing an E-commerce Application using 3-tier Architecture.
Project Scope:
- Utilizing the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js
- Employing a 3-tier architecture: UI, Logic, Data
- Deployment on AWS cloud services
Personal Goals:
- Implementing a clear separation of concerns through the 3-tier architecture
- Leveraging AWS EC2 and AWS API Gateway for APIs
- Deploying a MongoDB cluster on AWS for scalability and reliability
- Milestone 1 : Setting up the project structure, database schema, and basic CRUD operations.
- Milestone 2 : Developing the UI for both admin and customer interfaces. Implementing core functionalities such as user authentication, product listing, and cart management.
- Milestone 3 : Enhancing the UI using UI frameworks. Fine-tuning functionalities, ensuring scalability, and handling edge cases.
- Gain expertise in micro-services architecture and document the learning process.
- Implement efficient methods for searching and sorting to handle a large database of over 200,000 products.
- Adhere to strict deadlines for each milestone to ensure timely delivery and continuous improvement.
- Document the project journey for personal reference and potential future use, including challenges faced and solutions implemented.
- Utilize the project as a means of up skilling for job hunting amidst a challenging job market in 2024.
* I will be posting a separate article for all the technology used and steps followed.
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