
Showing posts from May, 2024

Reflecting on My Software Architecture Project

I embarked on developing an E-commerce application encompassing both an admin dashboard and a customer site, leveraging a stack composed of MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) alongside AWS services, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Technologies Used Backend (Node.js) Express.js : Utilized for creating robust APIs and handling server-side routing. AWS SDK : Integrated for seamless interaction with AWS services, particularly S3 for image storage. MongoDB and Mongoose : Employed for establishing database schemas, managing data, and facilitating interactions with MongoDB, a NoSQL database solution. Frontend (React.js) React Router DOM : Implemented for managing client-side routing within the React application. Redux.js : Utilized for centralized state management, enhancing scalability and maintainability. Material-UI (MUI) : Chosen for its rich set of pre-built UI components, facilitating efficient and responsive UI design. FontAwesome and Google Fonts : Integrated to enhance the visu